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what is kore?

Kore serves as the leadership board of PACE.  Kore commits themselves set forth in the constitution to uphold its mission statement, building awareness to the cultural, social, political and economic issues in our community. Interested in learning more about Kore? Check out the Kore positions below.

Executive Director
Executie Assitant
Finance Coordinator
External PR
Internal PR
Internship Coordinator
Working Dept
Political Affairs

position descriptions

executive department

Executive Director

The Executive Director (formally known as the Head Coordinator) shall preside over and create the agendas for Core meetings 2 and be the spokesperson for the organization, in lieu of, or where appropriate, in addition to, officially designated representatives. It is the job of the Head Coordinator to provide general leadership and representation for the organization as a whole. The Head Coordinator also provides organization, stability, and direction for all the departments within PACE and may offer guidance and/or assistance for any issue pertaining to the organization. It is strongly recommended that a prospective Head Coordinator have some prior experience as a PACE coordinator. If a Head Coordinator is not elected, one may not be appointed and the seat shall remain vacant for that academic school year.

Executive Assistant

It is the job of the Executive Assistant to handle the paperwork and correspondence necessary for the organization to deal with the various regulations to operate as an on campus student entity. It is their job to keep track of all PACE members. Additionally, posing as the secretary at meetings, Executive Assistant takes notes and minutes. The Executive Assistant is the liaison to the Student Involvement and Career Center (SICC) as well as the Student Center 3 Governing Board (SCGB), the Cesar Chavez Student Center Staff and Associated Student Inc. (ASI).

Finance Coordinator

The Finance Coordinator will serve as a liaison to the SFSU Associated Students, Inc. to arrange finances within our organization. In addition, the Finance Coordinator may act as an intermediary for any coordinator who is absent or unavailable. The Finance Coordinator is in charge of allocating funds for all PACE-related programs, and is also required to keep track of PACE’s accounts, balances, and transactions and organize and update PACE’s official financial records. It is also highly recommended that a prospective Finance Coordinator have some experience as a PACE coordinator.

External Public Relations Coordinator

The External Public Relations Coordinator oversees all information transmitted and received by PACE for integrity and adherence to the mission statement of PACE. Moreover, the External Public Relations Coordinator contacts organizations outside of PACE itself to setup and maintain relations with the San Francisco State University Community.  The External Public Relations coordinator must be the main representative of alliances that PACE is apart of (MSU, NCPASA, KABATAAN, NAFCON) through regional calls/meetings. The External Public Relations Coordinator works in tandem with the Community coordinator to find events, which require participation from members and/or interns, while also building the community within the organization. The External Public Relations Coordinator, alongside the Internal Public Relations Coordinator, is also responsible for maintaining the various forms of communication in which PACE engages the public; through its social media, web pages, mailing groups, and press releases.

Internal Public Relations Coordinator

The Internal Public Relations Coordinator oversees all information transmitted and received by PACE for integrity and adherence to the mission statement of PACE. The Internal Public Relations Coordinator is in charge of maintaining publicity, handling crisis management and ensuring that PACE adheres to its policies. Moreover, the Internal Public Relations Coordinator is responsible for the recruitment of general membership through organization of tabling and classroom presentations. The Internal Public Relations Coordinator, alongside the External Public Relations Coordinator, is also responsible for maintaining the various forms of communication in which PACE engages the public; through its social media, web pages, mailing groups, and press releases. 


Internal Public Relations coordinator will be in charge of facilitating the media committee which was formerly known as PR Taskforce and will now be classified as the Public Relations Committee. 

Internship Coordinator

The PACE Internship Coordinator is required to promote, organize, and provide structure for the PACE Internship Program as warranted to PACE by the College of Ethnic Studies of San Francisco State University. It is recommended that any prospective Internship Coordinator be extremely organized as well as highly available in order to provide a continued high level of communication with both teachers and students. The Internship Coordinator is responsible for maintain amicable relations and good rapport between interns and coordinators. Furthermore, Internship Coordinator is responsible for providing a safe haven for all peers. It is highly recommended that a prospective Internship Coordinator complete the Internship Program prior to applying for this position.


In addition to that, the Internship Coordinator is also responsible for the following:

  1. Organize syllabi/curricula for internship per semester to have themes for cohesiveness and flow of the curricula.

  2. Create and utilize iLearn portal for the interns, to provide updates on slides and homework as a resource.

Be the liaison between our PACE advisor and Core/interns.

working department

Academics Coordinator

The Academics  Coordinator stands to inspire individuals to achieve academic excellence and higher echelons of education, to provide educational counseling, as well as promote high school outreach through the U.P.S.S. (Uniting Pilipino Students for Success) Conference in the fall. He/she enlightens interns and general members about academic resources available to them on the SFSU campus. Furthermore, the Academics Coordinator promotes the importance of physical, emotional, and mental well being in their workshops in order to achieve success. The Academics Coordinator will be the liaison between PACE coordinating body and Filipino Graduation Celebration, “FilGrad.” They will also be the primary point of contact for schools and/or organizations wanting to partake in any related campus tours at SFSU. Lastly, they will establish an Academic task force with representatives from different college of studies/majors who are experienced in their field to help new general members get acquainted and transition into this new college environment.


Activities Coordinator

The Activities Coordinator is the social liaison of the organization. Although PACE’s main goal is to bridge the gap between academia and activism, it is also understood that it is also equally important to socialize among our members and on/off campus affiliates. It is the Activities Coordinator’s duty to provide opportunities for PACE’s interns and general members to create relationships and bonds with one another. Activities Coordinator will be the primary point of contact of the Kuya/Ate Program in the organization. Furthermore, Social Coordinator shall appoint a Kuya/Ate Program Assistant to ensure maintenance of the program.  Ranging from dinners, to gatherings, and activities to events, the Activities Coordinator ensures a safe and fun outlet for PACE’s membership to unwind and/or forge new events utilizing the ideas of general members, as guided by Core. The Activities Coordinator also helps to provide for the economic stability of the organization through various fundraisers. Activities Coordinator shall work and supervise alongside in cooperation with Friendship Games President/ or Secretary throughout the season. 

Community Coordinator

Because PACE is a community-oriented organization, it is the duty of the Community Coordinator to maintain PACE’s ties outside of itself with the various community organizations through the Bay Area and beyond. As a department, it is the Community Coordinator’s job to find events, which require participation from members and/or interns, while also building the community within the organization. The Community Coordinator also often helps coordinate volunteers during events. Community coordinator shall hold the responsibility of student representative for the Pacific Islander & Asian American Student Alliance and will work closely on student engagement with faculty in the ASPIRE office.

Cultural Coordinator

The purpose of the Cultural Coordinator is to provide and sustain cultural aspects and experiences for PACE general members. Enthusiasm and knowledge in Pilipina/o/x and Pilipina/o/x American and/or Asian American cultures are essential to this position as this person teaches the cultural workshops of PACE Internship. The Cultural Coordinator also helps in overall development and promotion of all PACE programs, and it contributes to the overall mission of the Pilipino American Collegiate Endeavor. Moreover, the Cultural Coordinator will act as the Pilipino Cultural Night Producer in the planning of Pilipino Cultural Night. 

History Coordinator

The History Coordinator promotes the importance of knowing about one’s self in relation to their past, highlighting instances of resistance, unity, and self-determination. Additionally, it is the job of the History Coordinator to produce the Pilipinx American History Month (PAHM) events and plan the Annual Filipino Mural celebration along with other Pilipinx/Pilipinx American organizations on campus.

Kaisahan Coordinator

The Kaisahan Coordinator is in charge of (but is not limited to) PACE’s Artists for a Cause Programs: Sayawan, Pil-Harmonix and the Kaisahan Newsletter. The Kaisahan Coordinator is responsible for creating bridges in the community through these art programs by creating a safe space for general members to express their artistic passions. The Kaisahan Coordinator also works in tandem with the Public Relations Coordinator to develop and strengthen ties within our community and the community at large. Furthermore, the Kaisahan Coordinator works hand in hand with the working department of Core by creating and facilitating weekly workshops for the 10-Week Internship Program. 


Political Affairs Coordinator

The Political Affairs Coordinator adheres to the activist traditions set forth by the founders of the organization. Although PACE is a non-partisan organization (cannot affiliate with any political party), the Political Affairs Coordinator is in charge of taking on or developing short and/or long term campaigns for the organization, emphasizing on social justice and political empowerment for the  Pilipinx American community. They can run these campaigns by heading up a Political Affairs Committee to engage general members politically and emphasize on community action.



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