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pilipinx cultural night

Pilipinx Cultural Night (PCN) at San Francisco State University is an annual, student-run production showcasing Filipina/o and Filipina/o American cultures through the performing arts. PCN aims to guide student development through the following:

  • encouraging high-impact community involvement

  • creating a sense of belonging within our community

  • being the key program in integrating cultural wellness and preservation in the Pilipino American Collegiate Endeavor. 


San Francisco State University is home to the oldest, consecutively running PCN in the nation.

The term “Pilipinx” shall hereby be used as an all-gender term––  including Pilipinas, Pilipinos, and Pilipinx who identify in the LGBTQ+ spectrum–– to refer to any person of Philippine descent. To add, the usage of “Pilipinx” over “Filipinx” is a way to assert Pilipinx rights to define their own identities and stories. 

For quick updates about PCN, follow @sfsupcn on instagram and twitter.

About the x

The term “Pilipinx” shall hereby be used as an all-gender term––  including Pilipinas, Pilipinos, and Pilipinx who identify in the LGBTQ+ spectrum–– to refer to any person of Philippine descent. To add, the usage of “Pilipinx” over “Filipinx” is a way to assert Pilipinx rights to define their own identities and stories. 

inner sanctum

Inner Sanctum is the team that organizes and connects the community and students in Pilipinx Cultural Night. Inner Sanctum consists of the Executive Department, Logistics Department, and the Artistic Department whose primary duty is to lead its cast in the most supportive, efficient, and effective ways possible.


PCN 48 Tribute Video by Brandon Chaisson

Kai-Sanctum before going to Great America (circa 2019)

position responsibilities


  • provide general leadership, organization and stability for PCN as a whole.

  • communicate updates and significant information to Kore.

  • serve as official representative to any external entities outside of PACE regarding PCN.

  • appoint a Co-Producer and Inner Sanctum members responsible for the whole production and execution of PCN.

  • book venue for next year's PCN in advance.


Logistics Director

  • Work directly with the Co-Producers, Stage Manager, and the Logistics Department when it comes to logistical information regarding, but not limited to, the venue, fundraising, dues, and grant-writing.

  • Write and disseminate email announcements to PACE members regarding PCN-related information and events with the Public Relations Coordinators and Tasks Force.

  • Help in planning and executing general meetings by setting up presentations and maintaining a welcoming and inclusive environment.

Artistic Director

  • Craft the creative flow of the show in coordination with the scriptwriter(s), dance supervisor(s), acting director, music director, modern choreographer, and contemporary choreographer.

  • Work directly with Co-Producers, Acting Director, Stage Manager, and Costumes and Props about the look and feel of the production.

  • Serve as the main consultant for artistic direction and guidance.

Finance Coordinator

  • Keep track of balances and transactions by actively collecting, counting, and organizing financial matters through Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel. This includes but is not limited to: PCN dues, profits from fundraisers, ASI funding, etc. 

  • Boost financial support for the production by actively planning and executing fundraising events.

  • Connect with organizations and businesses for fundraising opportunities and/or donations through grant-writing.

  • Work effectively PACE’s Financial Coordinator to ensure financial support for the production.

  • Communicate with external sources of finances.

Public Relations Coordinator

  • Promote the production of PCN, PCN-related events, and producer–approved sponsored posts, including but not limited to, fundraising events and dance company showcases, through visual graphics, encouraging dialog, and a sense of excitement on behalf of Inner Sanctum and PCN.

  • Establish a Public Relations (PR) Team with creatives such as a photographer, videographer, a graphic designer, and a social media connoisseur.

  • Design visual graphics with Adobe Creative Suite, InDesign, Illustrator, or Canva to be shared on social media platforms and to be printed.

Acting Coordinator

  • Educate actors with basic acting etiquettes and practices through acting workshops and/or rehearsals.
  • Provide clear direction and techniques necessary for the production such as projection and improvisation.

  • Lead acting rehearsals by taking attendance and ensuring progress with casts’ script memorization, stage confidence, and character development. Arrange one-on-one meetings.

  • Work directly with Co-Producers, Artistic Advisor, and Costumes and Props about the look and feel of the production.

Costume & Props Coordinator

  • Ensure the making of the production’s costumes and props either through craft or purchase.

  • Establish a Costumes and Props Team with creatives of fashion and apparel.

  • Lead the Costume and Props Team by checking up with their team members, scheduling separate meeting time, and ensuring a sense of excitement on the behalf of Inner Sanctum and PCN

  • Obtain materials essential for costume and prop making.

  • Oversee costume and prop inventory.

Cultural Dance Coordinators

  • Help in the careful selection of dances for the production by working with dance companies, ensuring that the dances flow with the script, and checking the current selection of dances is non-repetitive to previous production’s dance selection.
  • Build a relationship and organize with Rondalla and the music company that will aid in teaching how to play the instruments necessary for the cultivation of music in the production.

  • Acquire a deeper understanding of all dances either through research or dialogues with the choreographer.

  • Work intensively with choreographers about their dances and/or cultural dance workshops1.

  • Be in the loop with choreographers and cast members about their well-being and thoughts on dances by taking attendance at dance rehearsals and consistent check-ins. 

  • Condition cast members to ensure that they are readily prepared for PCN by teaching them basic dance techniques and arranging one-on-one meetings with cast members.

Musical Coordinator

  • Establish and arrange the ensemble for the production through promotion and encouraging dialogue.

  • Lead vocal rehearsals by taking attendance and ensuring the progress with the ensembles’ performance. 

  • Be in the loop with ensemble members about their well-being through consistent check-ins.

  • Arrange the musical selections for the show and the team that will be able to execute it.

  • Work in conjunction with the scriptwriter(s)  to ensure musical harmony with the script.


  • Expand on the theme/concept prompted by the Cultural Coordinator and/or Co-Producers to create a cohesive story and script for PCN.
  • Write the script for the production through creative storytelling, careful research, and cohesive cultural concepts and universal themes that respect all people and identities told both directly and indirectly in the script. 

  • Acquire a deeper understanding for all concepts and themes of the script.

  • Work intensively with the Artistic Advisor, the Co-Producers, and the rest of the Artistic Department about the flow of the show through check-ins.


Stage Manager

  • Ensure the assembly of set design, lighting, sound, and props. 
  • Establish a Stage Team with an assistant stage manager and stage ninjas.
  • Lead the Stage Team by checking up with team members; scheduling separate rehearsal dates1; and ensuring a sense of excitement on the behalf of Inner Sanctum and PCN.

  • Work directly with Co-Producers, Acting Director, Artistic Advisor, and Costumes and Props about the look and feel of the production.

  • Coordinate with venue’s staff, dance companies, and the Costume and Props Coordinator(s) about the inventory and organization of costumes and props while in the venue.

Contemporary and Modern Choreographers

  • Incorporate Pilipinx American hip-hop and contemporary ballet pieces in the production.
  • Work in conjunction with the scriptwriter(s) and the rest of the Artistic Department.

  • Ensure that the dances flow with the script.

  • Provide a positive, safe, and encouraging teaching environment for the participants.

  • Be in the loop their participants about their well-being and thoughts on dances by taking attendance at dance rehearsals and consistent check-ins. 

  • Condition cast members to ensure that they are readily prepared for PCN by teaching them basic dance techniques and arranging one-on-one meetings with cast members

Logitics Dir
Finance Coordinato
Stage Manager


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